
DirecTV qestion!!!!!!!??????????

by  |  earlier

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We have cable right now...if we get DirecTV, will there be any wire(s) that will be 'exposed ' inside the house...will there be wire(s) that people can see?




  1. Well if you currently have cable, they will just use the same cables you have right now. But if you add an extra room they'll have to add an extra wire to go to that room. Unless your house is cable ready, where the jacks are installed in the room.

    It would be nice if you didn't spam the question.

  2. Well a wire would be connected to sta. dish and to your tv and the from the set top box to your TV!!!but the that u get is incomperable trust me!!

  3. No more than what you already have assuming that you are currently using a cable box. If you are not using cable boxes than you will have another wire or 2 depending on hookup preferences.

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