
Direct Line - claim procedures?

by  |  earlier

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Few days ago my car was stolen, police found it. My car was in Dragon Ltd it's some company which keep cars for police. So police took finger prints, and today morning I got message that they took my car to some different company which keep the car until garage take it. The problem is that nobody can answere me on my questions, when I ask how long does it take to ort things out nobody knows, when I ask when insurance will repair my car nobody knows. Today Direct Line told me that in next week they make appointment witch claim advisor to write report about how my car was stolen. I'm quite confused, I have only 5 weeks to my holiday and till this time my car have to be repair.

Have somebody got any problems with Direct Line, do you know how long does it take to sort things out ??

Please answere !!




  1. It`ll take as long as it takes.

    They need to let the police sort out their side of things and then compile their own report.

    As you can imagine some claims aren`t exactly honest, so they have to determin whether this is or not. Not good for genuine claims, as it takes longer, like your claim is, but good for fraudsters as they get found out.

    Just keep in touch with them and asking them for an update. Your car being stolen wasn`t your fault and neither Direct Lines.

  2. as russell said they will be in the hands of the police at the moment. d/line will not be abel to see or assess your car untill the police have released it to them.

    as for the hire car, just check you policy to see if its just in the event of a accident as its a theft they may not be allowed to give you one. this info wil be in your policy booklet

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