
Direct current can be produced from electrolysis process.with a suitable diagram explain how dc produced?

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Direct current can be produced from electrolysis process.with a suitable diagram explain how dc produced?




  1. you place a copper rod in glass filled with water a which is negative charged and place another copper rod with another glass filled with water. let electricity flow then the negative will create hydrogen and the positively charge will create oxygen.

  2. Here is a simple experiment to produce direct current. Just  a few materials that any kitchen keeps all the time:...

    A glass of water about 500 c.c.

    Two table spoons of salt,mix it with the water,now you have 500 c.c. of salt water.

    Find any long piece of thing that make of copper. 6 inches long or more.

    Find any long piece of thing that make of alumium,6 inches long or more.

    Placing these two material pieces into the salt water as close as they can,but do not let them touch together.

    Now you creat a simple electroly battery,it has about 0.5 volt. Its current rate might have only a few MA.

    You may test it with a simple multi-meter but not with a light.

    Have fun !

    You might change the salt water into vinegar,it might give you better result. Try any liquid that you can find. Try also different metal combination. This was how I played  when I was a kid at home.

  3. electrolysis is the process of decomposing a compound into it's elements via electric current.

    It uses electric current, it does not produce current.

    Perhaps you are thinking of a fuel cell?


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