
Direct tv question?

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I HATE comcast. I have NEVER experienced such interaction with so many lazy,unreliable people. I CANNOT deal with them

anymore. The thing is, I live in Old City, Philadelphia, in a historic apartment building. In theory, only comcast is available, since no equipment is allowed to be installed on the roof. However, I went on the roof of the building once, and could've sworn I saw dishes and such up there. Does the dish have to be on the roof, or can I possibly have the technician install it by my balcony? I guess I want to know if I can sneak the dish service or if I need to submit paperwork with the management company's permission. Is it an elaborate process?

I am on the fifth floor, which is the top floor of the apartment anyway...

I imagine the direction in which the dish faces will be a factor, but any tips, advice, anything, to get away from comcast would be helpful. (No smart *** remarks please, I've dealt with enough stupidity and ignorance with comcast) Thanks.




  1. It doesn't have to be on the roof. You can put it on the balcony but I hope your balcony is facing the same direction that the Dish is supposed to be pointed.

  2. i live in a 3rd story apartment in Phoenix, AZ. and ironically i'm getting Direct TV installed later today. So the answer is yes,  Direct TV can be installed on your balcony. the dish needs to be able to face South East, otherwise you can't get it installed. Direct TV requires that you sign a document (that they provide) indicating that your landlord has approved your installation of Direct TV.

    if you cant have the dish installed/attached directly to the building (which is my case), then the technician will charge an extra fee to set up a balcony stand for the dish. apparently its considered extra labor 'cause he'll design and build something that fits your balcony/needs. you'll have to pay this tech fee on the spot to the technician, so make sure you have some extra money in the bank to take care of that.
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