
Directions To Mexico?

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Can someone please give me good directions from Wichita Kansas to Monterrey Mexico. I am going on vacation, and I am DRIVING instead of flying.

All help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks to all who answer!





  1. Take Interstate 70 East to Interstate 35 and then head south and don't get off... it will take you right to the border.

  2. get da map from instead of google or mapquest

    is more acurate.

    but just like da other person said before me, don't dont drive der by urself, its not safe!!! specially if u are a woman!  i just drove from new york to monterrey last week n belive me, da only people you need to becareful down der is da police n the taxi drivers.

    gud luck

    make sure to take a cell phone wit you, n not to stop at all once you hit da express way from nuevo laredo till u hit  monterrey. so fill try to fill up you tank on this side.

  3. Just take 35 South all the way to Mexico. When you reach the border 35S will turn into Mex 85. Take that south the rest of the way.



    It works.

  6. Use MAPQUEST.


    Oh, if you are a single woman DRIVING alone, DO NOT DRIVE THRU MEXICO. Double DUH.

  7. Site below is best to use for driving to Mexico. Add a couple of hours as it is uasually a bit short on time allowed.  You will also need a Mexican road atlas, the Guia Roji. Can buy it at big book stores or order from   You will need a Mexican car permit...see 2nd site. Also, Mexican car insurance...see 3rd site for my favorite place.  Gas is much cheaper in Mexico and the Pemex stations are perfectly safe.  Get through Nuevo Laredo promptly, then the drive to Monterrey is quick.  Driving in Monterrey is a nitemare...I hope youhave someone to meet youon the outskirts of town and lead you in.
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