
Directtv dvr, i have a new one and mine makes like this pulsating humming noise has anyone else ever noticed?

by  |  earlier

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this noise coming from theirs also, i hear mine over my tv programs sometimes but u can defiently hear it when the room is quiet, i thought it was the fridge in the garage below my room at first but when i unplugged it the noise was still there and its not the tv either cause i can hear the humming when the tv is off, only reason i know its the dvr is cause when i unplugged it from the wall the humming noise went away, so i guess i am just curious if it is just my dvr that is making this noise or if it is how they are built and everyone elses does this also and they just havent heard it yet??? let me know, i would like to know if i'm alone with this noise lol




  1. When I get up close to my Tivo (no bad jokes, please) what I hear is the hard drive spinning.  It's always going on the channel it's set to.  If you turn your tv on during the middle of a show you should be able to go back to the start and watch the whole thing.  You should be able to switch off via the menu if you want, but it may not record something unless you "wake it up".

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