
Directv Installers?

by Guest143  |  earlier

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How much do DirecTV installers make an hour???? What about commission and things like that????




  1.  Average Direct TV installers salary at Premier communications is in the range of  $29k-$32k. While the average salary of Direct Tv installers at Richmond is $27,000. While those of you living in Davenport, and thinking of making a living by becoming a Direct Tv installers, should know that the average salary of Direct Tv installers at Davenport is $60,000.


  2. Generally 50 to 75 per install; 10 to 15 for upgrades; 5 to 10 per additional receiver. Contracting companies don't pay for 'custom' work, which includes anything completed beyond a standard installation (wallfishes, pole mounts, brick mounts, line burials, etc), and it is DirecTV policy that customers pay the contracting technician. However, this is a common customer complaint (that DirecTV does not communicate this fact properly) and a portion of the 'piecework' completed by technicians does not earn any money and most likely goes unrecorded.

    Furthermore, in-house technicians are generally furnished a van, gas cards, specialized tools, and insurance but earn in the lower end ($50/install; $10/upgrade); while independent contractors drive their own truck, buy their own gas, their own tools, and insurance but 'earn' in the higher end ($75/install; $15 upgrade). Also, independent contractors are subject to 'charge backs' resulting from *any* service calls on *any* of their work within a 3 month period. This includes 'random' events, such as weather-related service issues and failed receivers. The charge-backs are generally around $35 dollars per 'repeat service call' closed; so therefore a 15 dollar upgrade can actually lose a technician $20 for a failed piece of DirecTV equipment.

    Ultimately, if a technician doesn't waste his materials, lose tools, and does large amounts of quality work, higher end checks are usually between 1000 and 2000 dollars (depending on area)...However, it is possible to make more than 2000 dollars on a week's check, but one might have to work in a different state (some regions have fewer technicians, more work, and higher payouts; such as the midwest).

  3. how much do directv in-house technicians get
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