
Directv ppl did u ever sign a contract ?

by  |  earlier

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im moving next week and they r going to charge me 50 $ fee jsut because im "new" to direct tv.... thats bs .. it says its free... and they said i sign contract for 2 years but i never did so if i want to cancle directv they will charge me 480 $ wTF did u guys ever sign contracts or they just lie




  1. you have a verbal agreement with the company. they are binding contracts espically if they taped the conversation which they probobly did.

    you have 3 options

    eat the cancel fee => $400

    eat the move fee = > $50

    sign up for online billing, pay your bills online and move the dish your self.  

    if you are comforable using tools  I would do the latter.

    you need a level to make sure that pipe that holds the dish is perfectly level or the dish will be hard to aim

    go in the sat boxes options it will tell you the azumith and elevation settings for you local area.  look at the website below for install procedures.

    I will tell you that it takes a little tuning to get the settings right.

    I have put up dishes my self many times. have a buddy looking at the signal meter while you tune it.

    of course if you  arent comfortable doing yourself...

    $50 bucks is kind of cheap for a trained technician to do a service call.  You cant get a plumber, hvac, electrian, etc that cheap....

  2. read the fine print on the flyer, please. You have to qualify for the free offer. Because your tenure with DirecTV isn't long enough to establish definable account history you're asked to pay $50 for equipment orders. This fee goes away after 3-6 months of good account history.

    By the way, the full price of the Mover's offer is $199, so you're still getting a pretty good deal.

    As for the contract, you (or someone representing you) actually DID sign something with the contract. It's in the paperwork the installer had you sign. It's called the Lease Addendum, and in case you lost your copy you can read it in its full text at  Next time you sign for something, be sure you understand what it is (even if you have to go so far as to sit down, read it word for word, and ask a million questions).

  3. I never personally signed a contract. What are they charging the $50 for? Is it just an installation fee? Read the fine print on one of the mailers. I have never had problems with them and I have had them as a provider for 4-5 years now.

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