
Dirt holes in driveway?

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I have medium size dirt piles the color of sand with small holes in the middle in my driveway under my car, do anyone know what that it is, is something digging something up from the ground, what can I do to prevent this from happening again after I clean it up?





  1. Are the hills just a few inches across, and coming up thru cracks in the driveway?  Might be ants.  Here's a home made, cheap way to deal with them.

    1/8 teaspoon boric acid dust insecticide (0.5g) + 1 tablespoon of corn syrup (10g)

    The boric acid is found at any garden/hardware store and it is not harmful to people or pets.

    Ants take it back to their nest and kill off the whole place.

    Good hunting!

  2. sounds like gophers or moles or some other sort of animal.

    pour some rat poison around the edge and down the hole.

  3. It sounds like ants or some kind of pest down there. You can use poison and kill the lil varmints.Good luck.

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