
Dirty Dancing.......?

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Bobby pulls out a book from his pocket and hands it to baby, tells her to read it, and mentions he has notes in the margins. The book, if i recall, it 'The Fountainhead'? What is the fountainhead and what about the book causes Baby to tell bobby that he makes her sick, and then dump water on his head?




  1. The Fountainhead is a book set in the 40's a brillant young architect who chooses to struggle in obscurity rather than compromise his artistic and personal vision (there is more but this the short version of it).  And it wasn't anything to do with the book that Baby tipped the water over Robbies head, it was because he was being a complete a#@$hole about the whole "Penny situation", and taking responsibilty for her getting pregnant, because he believed it wasn't his baby because Penny slept around alot.  

  2. You're so funny to think of this =)

    I'm sure it had to do with s*x. lol

  3. Well, I think what makes Baby mad is more the fact that bobby was trying to sleep with her sister.  I don't really think it had to do much with the book.  

    ps -  love that movie!!
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