
Dirty Dishwater Blond (basically) - what's the heritage?

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What's the most common place a person would be from if their natural hair color is a mish-mash of blond, light brown, & a strawberry blond/red color = dirty dishwater blond? (meaning their heritage or lineage? Irish, English, German - etc.)




  1. Heritage is not determinable by hair color, or eye color. Light hair color is indicative of recessive genes for hair color, and those occur most often in populations of Teutonic/Germanic origin - Northern Europe/Scandinavia to Southern Europe, Western Europe to Asia (Mideast and Caucasus regions), South African (of European Teutonic origins), etc.

    Although peoples in Asia have prototypical dominating traits, it's also important to remember recessive genes can pop up at anytime.  3 examples:

    1.  Jews are known as relatively homogenous populations - more so historically in ancient Canaan - yet Isaac, son of Abraham, had a son Esau who was described in Scripture as having red hair.  Most likely, since he was a twin, his brother Jacob did as well.  

    2.  Although all black for generations before producing its first coat color mutation, Labradors eventually produced one yellow pup.  All yellow Labs today trace back to that single yellow mutation as a common ancestor.  

    3. 10 generations ago, or 200 - 300 years ago, you had over 1000 grandparents.  That's a lot of heritage.  You're picking up traits from all of them, and they weren't all European/Teutonic.  How do I know that?  Because 20 generations ago you had over 1 Million grandparents, and we all trace back to one mother, Eve, which has been documented via mitochondrial DNA.  We truly are our brother's keeper!  Be well

  2. Definitely European. Neither Zulus nor Chinese have that color hair. If you want a specific country, you'll have to trace the person's ancestry.


    Additional detail added later:

    Any or all except the Native American. Very, very few physical traits are traceable to one particular nation.

    The only ones I can think of are large, hairy feet, a tendency to study the practical subjects (engineering, law and medicine, as opposed to philosophy or art) and a fondness for single-malt scotch with a lot of peat in it. Those three label the Scots as surely as if they had it tattooed on their foreheads.

  3. lots of places.. I'm dirty blonde too. But my mom has black hair. She's.. a lot of different things. But my dad has my same hair color and he's German/Swedish/Norweigian. I can't spell that.

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