
Dirty developer module?

by Guest64296  |  earlier

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I have a xerox 5028 copier and it has been printing very lightly and evenly as of late. I changed the dry ink cartridge. I noticed that the developer module is very dirty with a lot of build up of what appears to be dry ink particles. Should I clean this? could that perhaps fix the problems I am having?




  1. Hmm, here are three separate things to try which could fix this issue:

    1. Check for bridging in the dispenser. Before you do this remove dry ink cartridge set cartridge on a drop cloth upside down and slide off the access plate. turn the large black gear and check to see if the feed spring in the Dry Ink Cartridge turns. I have seen many bad cartridges especially in the third party and refilled cartridges. If you refill the cartridge the spring will come off if the gear is turn in the wrong direction.

    2. Poor resolution might be the result of this:

    The mirrors are held in with small plastic clips. These clips break and the fixed mirrors may not be held in firmly causing copy quality problems. If you work on this machine frequently, you might want to keep some of these handy.

    Intermittent light CQ and background. Check that the block that holds the corona (or as Xerox calls them, corotrons) contacts in the front of the machine isn't broken. The mounts that hold the block onto the copy cartridge carriage sometimes crack and the ground and charge contacts can't make sufficient contact with the copy cartridge. You may be able to epoxy the parts back together, but as usual you will probably be better off just replacing the entire carriage assembly.

    3. Light copies might be the result of this:

    If light copies are still occurring after following the

    light copy rap and developer carryover rap, make sure you follow the electrostatics rap. If this still yields no results, disassemble the developer housing and check for a clogged ink dispenser or clogged developer housing. Some company out there is refilling ink cartridges with straight developer. This is causing developer carryover and ruining the developer module. After cleaning the developer and ink dispenser, be sure to run p 9-5 tone up to refill all augers with ink. Discard the toner cartridge and inform customer that their source for

    ink should be reconsidered.

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