
Dirty play or just lack of class?

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The Pittsburg Penguins have played dirty to the extreme i.e going after Franzen's head in his first game back, diving (hence the name Penguins) to get penalties, hacking, slashing just alll out breaking every rule of the game. Interferance by Fleury behind the Pen's net,..... Where are the call's? This is by far the most dispicable play by a team playing for Lord Stanly's cup. The Pen's do not even deserve to watch the Wings skate it around at home in game 5 for their deplorable behavior on the ice. Very unbecoming of a finals team. Their youth and complete lack of intelligence is shining brightly. And this Wing's fan can't wait until we shut the big blowhard mouths of all you Pittsburg cry baby's, all taking after the head coach no doubt. Pen's need to stop acting and start playing.




  1. pens suck

  2. Lack of class, there Crosbabys, all they do is cry just like Mario Lemeuix did

  3. Gee, I'll bet you prefer touch football to the real thing, huh ? It must be your superior intelligence & total lack of hockey knowledge that causes you post trash like this.

  4. is this a joke?

    we played a much more physical game, but it was clean. sure the refereeing job was somewhat bogus in game 3 and we did get away with a high stick, but regardless, when our pens try hard, that's how they play. when you're down 2-0, you have to play desperate. every other team would do the same thing if they were in the same situation.

    and diving? who doesn't dive, this is hockey, it's one of the most physical sports out there, h**l, probably THE most physical sport so stop complaining. the last two games if you were watching crosby at all, he tried real hard to stay on his feet when he slipped or fell. pens fans are probably one of the most respectable fans in this league, if you want to see a dirty/classless team and crybaby fans, go to the wachovia center.

  5. I think it's more frustration than lack of class.  Come on, now, the Pens are no Anaheim.

  6. i just dont get how going after the player is dirty because that is what they need to do to win they showed that in game 3 they finish the checks and they forecheck really really good compare to the other games. In game 4 they need to do the same don't give Datsyuk, Zetterburg or Holmstrom a lot of time to develop plays if you do you get burned like in game 1 and 2. i would go back with the same line up in game 3. you know the saying never break up a winning line up. i hope to have a great 4th game and anyways going after the players of other team creates turn over and that showed there were plays where detroit gived the puck away and thats what the penguins need to do to tie the series up creating give aways and drawing penalties in game 4 will give the pittsburg the win.

  7. I was really hoping for a sweep, but Detroit will take it in 5.

    The Stanley Cup  is coming back to Hockey Town!!!!!!!

  8. Being neutral, no horse in the race, I'd say the refs make mistakes in every game, that's part of the game. Crying about it by the fans or the team is unfortunate. That game is over so get over it. And really, neither team is playing pat-a-cake. This is hockey, baby.

  9. I honestly am surprised by the tactics the Pens are using on the ice.....frustration? I thought they were professionals.

  10. "Welcome to the freakin' NHL" -Larry Robinson.

    This is ice hockey, not beach volleyball.

    Two teams are going at it and the Penguins are frustrated. It only works in Detroit's favor.

  11. hello?? its HOCKEY. Its a physical sport.

    and you are calling us cry babies?? you're the one whining about our guys being so physical... boo hoo.

    and if you haven't noticed...the red wings are being just as dirty... picking fights with everyone.. getting penalties left and right.

    like i said... wake up... its HOCKEY.. its PHYSICAL...

    you'll be the one crying when the Pens win yet again on Saturday.. and on your home ice... then back to the Burgh to win it all!


    hey guy above me...

    stop whining... everyone gets penalties... gotta play rought... the red wings are playing rough too... you are just mad that the pens won yesterday. ha.

  12. You know what I bet you the Pens found the jug of a certain candidate's kool aid. and that stuff makes you disorientated and crazy . mercy .mercy.  Hide the jug,  But don't worry, be happy the The WINGS  will win!!!!!  I agree the Pens need to quit acting. and play..

  13. I love how almost no one in this section knows how to spell Pittsburgh; both Wings AND Pens fans....which is even more pathetic, if you think about it.

  14. The only problem with Gary Roberts hit on Franzen, is that he should have hit him HARDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. wow you just summed it up right on and why did they allow the goal when Roberts was in the crease on the 3rd goal i bet if Holmstrom was in they would disallow it  

    lets go red wings 2008 Stanley cup champions!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    they will win the next 2 games to raise lord stanley up in joe louis arena in front of the home crowd

  16. you are completely right brother. the Penguins have played disgusting lead by Sydney "the big p***y" Crosby.

    Yo person under me that isn't physical play that is cheap shots and little ***** moves physical play is landing good hits on the other theam not two handing them in the ankles

  17. yeah and you have class there too, buddy.. calling the pens divers. And the Wings are getting mostly the same penalties. you don't see the pens fans calling them classless.

  18. you are entitled to your opinion however I do not agree

    Pittsburgh is obviously a good enough team to be play you in the finals so give us more credit. It is not our fault the refs don't call every penalty. I would bring up some plays your team made but i won't sink to your level.

    "The Pen's do not even deserve to watch the Wings skate it around at home in game 5 for their deplorable behavior on the ice." Kind of harsh, isn't it. Hockey is a contact sport. If your team can't handle it, maybe they don't belong in the competition for Lord Stanley's Cup either.

    Our "complete lack of intelligence" is also your opinion and once again if the refs don't call it... but at least we don't fight with your player's to win. We actually play.

    Now a question for you... what are we acting?

    Also, Pens fans are ok. Your the one sounding like a crybaby.

  19. i agree with hockey pro they did forecheck hard and force turn overs which you need to be doing these kinda things in a play off final round games. if they do not forecheck and force turn overs they won't have a chance against detroit.

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