
Disability activity!!??

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I need a few suggestions for disability activites to do in a classroom for preschoolers! Thanks for the help!

I have a few more questions like this.. look for the others! thanks! = )




  1. Well here are a few ideas for you I would think you are trying to teach the children that even though people with disibilities may need some help doing things, they are still able to do many things the same as other children.   Here is a game we used to play,  I had a friend when I was younger, their parents were really great at educating us not to do things for her unless she really needed help.  They play this game with us.  We had to sit in a chair with wheels on it but we could not stand up.  They gave us tasks to do like to open the door, while sitting in the chair.  turn off the light, cary things,  put a puzzle togeather,  color in a coloring book simple things like that.  wash our hands, Twirl a jump rope, bounce a ball  We had to get creative, some times but pretty much, we could accomplish most of it sitting down.  except for reaching things on shelves then we had to ask for help.  

    I really got a good understanding of how much My friend and I were alike and how very little we were different.  

    I would imagine, you could do the same things using other disablilities such as a blind folding a child to see if they can guess what they are touching, smelling, tasting, with out the use of sight.  or you could just place it in a box with a opening they can put their hands in  and have them close their eyes and smell, and taste.  have them use their hearing.  

    same for being deaf, put on some ear protection, or ear plugs then speak softly have them try to read your lips  have them try to comunicate their wants, with out using words. Have them place their hand on a speaker and use the other hand to tap the beat so they can understand that deaf people can feel music.  

    I am sure will have to alter these to fit in with regulations, but I do know that I was like 7 when I played these games, and I not only enjoyed them, but it probably kept me from alienating a wonderful person and  it taught both of us, that different didn't realy mean that we couldn't have fun togeather.  

    Good luck I hope I gave you at least an idea on where you might start

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