
Disability for maternty leave. please read new jersey?

by Guest56325  |  earlier

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my sister is pregnant,and she works full question is how long before the birth can she collect disability someone told her 2 weeks before.then someone else said 1 month before?




  1. you would have to call and ask the disability dept. i've never heard of a woman getting disability for being pregnant! usually your company gives 6 weeks paid maternity leave.

  2. She'll get disability when her doctor signs the paper work saying she is no longer able to work (it's a disability form from work).

    I got paid disability (it's only a portion of your salary) 2 weeks before my daughter was born, then 8 weeks after ( I had a section).

    I live in NY, not sure if NJ laws are any different so her best bet is to speak with her boss or human resources department (it also depends on the company if they give her any maternity leave time).

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