
Disability questions?

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i'm on disability for my maternity leave, which my job is not paying for.

so my question is, if i chose to leave my job before my leave is up, will the state continue to pay my disability or will it be terminated?

oh and does anyone have the number for disability? i live in Southern California





  1. Since you wrote your question well and specified that you are in California, I know that you are covered by SDI for your disability.  This is run by the EDD, so you can get answers through their website:

    Here is a link to their phone numbers, but I suggest online as the best way to get answer from the government:

    You do not have to remain employed to continue your disability benefit.  However, it definitely sounds like you are qualified for FMLA leave, so why not stay employed while you are disabled?  You may have medical and other benefits from your employer and you do have the right to be reinstated in your old job when your disability ends.  It even looks better on your resume to have a longer period of employment and a smaller gap between jobs!

  2. I also was on disability when I was pregnant with my first child, for 4 weeks before then 6 weeks after she was born.  I gave notice that I was not returning 2 days before my leave was officially up. (by mail). I would wait until your 6 weeks afterward (or whatever for you)  to let them know. I was in NJ though at the time, so I don't have the CA info, just Yahoo search "California disability phone number" maybe? Good luck!
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