
Disabled English man marrying a Disabled Turkish women & living in the UK together.?

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My permiant home is in Manchester UK. I am slightly disabled & live on DLA, middle rate care & mobility allowance. I have met a Turkish women who has two children age 12 & 8 in Alanya Turkey. She is also disabled, she fell three storeys to the ground two years ago, & has had her back & hip repair with 15 ounces of platinum, xrays & doctors recordes to prove. If we marry can she claim DLA & get support for the children in the UK. There apears to be no information on-line ! no point of contact home office or Benifits agency dont give answer. Do you know the laws ? or rules ?. Or would you know who we should contact for advice ?..I understand the laws for abled bodied people. Any help with this would really be apreciated we have spent three weeks trying to find information.




  1. You've already asked this question.

    She can't claim anything, neither can her children and neither can you if you want to sponsor her to come to the UK. You have to support all three of them, and yourself, without claiming anything from the public purse. There is one law for everyone, no exceptions. Sorry to be harsh but it's true.

  2. I`m positive, if you marry,your wife and you

    will be able to claim benefits,as she will be

    claiming on your national insurance as your

    wife plus the children who are dependent on

    you will also fall under that umbrella with


  3. I presume you want to bring her over on a spousal/financé visa then. No you cannot because she will not qualify. As you cannot support yourself financially you can not be expected to support a woman with two children without resorting to public funds (which is a requirement). Those coming to the UK as visitors or on visas (unless they are asylum visas or permanent visas which she will definately not qualify for as she is from Turkey and not stayed long enough in the UK for the latter).

    How do I qualify to join my husband, wife or civil partner in the UK?

    You must show that:

    you are legally married to each other or are in a civil partnership recognised in the UK

    your husband, wife or civil partner is present and settled in the UK (see the next section)

    you both intend to live together permanently as husband and wife or as civil partners

    you have met each other before

    you can support yourselves and any dependants without any help from public funds

    you have suitable accommodation, which is owned or lived in only by you and your household, and where you and your dependants can live without any help from public funds

    your husband, wife or civil partner is not under 18, and

    you are not under 18.

  4. So really your marrying her to get benefits for her.

    Thats just great

  5. Why should she be given any benifits at all when she clearly hasnt paid any tax in this country i think this country should stop giving MONEY TO IMMIGRANTS and think about all the british people and children  

  6. you will have to prove you can support your partner

    and the fact is you just want to rip off we tax payers more

    will not go down well

    why cant you go to turkey to live with her

    plus turkey is not part of the EU yet

    plus you will want the tax payers to pay for her kids too

    why is the father if the kids not paying.

    shame on you for ripping off the country too

  7. If you claim for her you would get it.

  8. you need to check with the DLA people about this, someone there should know.  Also does she qualify as she will not have paid into the system, plus is a national of Turkey not in the EU.  Try Citizens Advice Bureau, as they can sort this one out with DLA can't.  

  9. I don't see why not.

    Immigrants normally get more benefit entitlement than what british citizens get.

  10. Why don't you go to live with her inTurkey and claim on their benefits system.

    I am sure you will be welcomed with open arms.



    This tells you what you must do to bring your intended wife over.  If you're already on benefit, I'm not sure they will approve the entry clearance for your intended wife because you need to be able to support your intended wife without public funds; even if they did, she has no recourse to public funds.

    Go speak to a citizen's advice bureau, or find a solictor who can give you some advice.

  13. i think so

  14. I think you will have to ask the home office direct, get an appointment.

    As under the normal laws you would have to show that you can support her, as she will not be entitled to any benefits.

    It is a very tricky situation for you.

    Good luck.

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