

by Guest66503  |  earlier

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why do some people have problems with disabled people some as if you should not be and behind closed doors why is this?




  1. It is just pure ignorance, everybody has a right to living their life to the full regardless of ability!!


  2. Disabled people are treated with ignorance mainly because they have an illness and most people dont understand. When they get old and disabled in some way they will wonder why and reflect on the way they thought when younger.

  3. Because most "able-bods" are patronising pillocks who should walk a mile in our shoes for once. They think that because our legs dont work we are totally useless! Why do you think that so many babies are aborted - because society doesn't want disabled people! It is LEGAL APARTITE!

    I have been lucky - so far - but over 50% of all disabled parents have their kids REMOVED BY SOCIAL SERVICES BECAUSE THEY ARE DISABLED! And THATS just in LEEDS!!!! And that is just people who have learning difficulties - not including those with physical disabilities!

    I am a wheelchair user and a single mum of two - my kids are spitting images of me, but yet I get asked "whose kids are they?" every single day of my life! They get bullied and have even had threats against their llives - just because I am their Mum!

    I also have to pay for my own wheelchair - which is basically my shoes - the next one will cost me TWENTY TWO GRAND!!!! Tell me - would anyone else put up with having to pay THAT MUCH for their SHOES? NO! If I want basic shoes for my feet, I have to wait months - am then I am only permitted to have ONE PAIR PER YEAR! Because I have one foot bigger than the other, I can't buy them from normal shops - and if I choose to buy them myself they cost £50 - per shoe - not per pair! Would YOU put up with that? Probably not!

    Until disabled people are given the same rights as everyone else - and until the police can prosecute for negative attitudes/discrimination towards disabled people, people will always be shut behind closed doors. Basically, society needs to treat disablism in the same way as it does racism - battle against it, not accept it!

    I - and all DP are BANNED from Sainsbury's White Rose Centre, Leeds and from Morrisons - Rothwell, Leeds - because we "inconvenience staff and proper customers"! In other words - my money isnt of the same value as that of someone who is able bodied! JUST BECAUSE I HAPPEN TO USE A WHEELCHAIR!!!!

    I can't buy a house, a car or get a loan for anything - and have no chance of getting a decent (well-paid) job even though I am studying a degree and am a qualified youth worker!

    The government says that they will not even think about any human rights - type laws for disabled people until AT LEAST 2025! I will be in my 50's by then and I think it is DISGUSTING that I will have to wait until them to have the same basic rights as everyone else! I HOPE THAT YOU FEEL THIS WAY TOO AND STOP DISCRIMINATION AGAINST DISABLED PEOPLE - NOW!!!!

  4. I am a legitimate PWD and  I am able to give you an PWD "Insiders" answer to your question.

    It is because of ignorance. Various "Outsiders" (Non-PWDs) have the stereotyped viewpoint that PWDs do not go out into the public due to in having a Disability. These various "Outsiders" (Non-PWDs) also see Disability as being a burden to Mainstream Society, being helpless, unable to do anything and depending on "Outsiders" (Non-PWDs) for help. Back in the past many families hid their PWD family member from the public because the families were ashamed of their PWD family member.  

    To Jolly Roger: Having a Disability does not always mean that you have a illness. You can have a Disability and still be healthy at the same time.

  5. if some one has a problem with someone being disabled

    it is their problem not the person who is disabled

    so don't let it become a problem to you if you are disabled
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