
Disadvantages of having...?

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Hello! I wanna ask "what are the disadvantages of having cell phones when you're a college student?" Your answers are greatly appreciated. Thanks!!




  1. having a cell phone makes you lazy to study, because through that cell phone you could send messages and call, maybe for hours... then without you realizing you haven't finish your college works

  2. as a college student,, one might need money to pay fees. so having a handphone means you have to pay bills and have financial problems. this financial problems will lead to borrowing and then u cant concentrate on class handphones might disturbe claases when they ring

    p.s; pls 10 points for me?

  3. more friends means more messagin and talking, if thats more then you lose interest in your academics if that exists then you will be a low ranker, if thats true you wont get a job , if that happens then you have ruined your life, which means you dont get friends of your choice, if you dont like your friends no good marriage proposals, then what else do you achieve in your life , the case doesnt get worser. so stop using mobile and concentrate on your studies. not parenting but a suggestion.


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