
Disagreement about play at pre-school?

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I've written a guide to tell parents why play is important in their child's development and why play is integrated into the curriculum. As a parent, what would be your opinion about cons of play or why would you disagree that your child should not be allowed to play?

The only three ideas that I can think of are: In case of injury, messy play will ruin my child's clothes, my child is not doing academic work. Your suggestions are welcome.

Grateful for your response




  1. They learn a lot while playing.  they learn to share, be imaginative, interact with other children, be more out going, a chance to be friends with more kids, learn from peers, and many more valuable lessons.  There are also many educational toys/games kids can play with that are very helpful in their mental development.  Kids can't sit and learn for hours straight without a good break, so playtime is needed to help them better focus when it is time to learn.  If kids don't get time to play, they will gets restless in their desks/chairs and have trouble focusing and learning.  Some parents may feel as thought there is too much play and not enough learning going on.  The cons would also be if parents are paying for preschool, they are paying for their child to be taught, not paying for more daycare so your child can play and have fun at school.  If preschool lasts only 3 hours, it may seem like their is no time to play and gets enough learning done, many parents may not realize that 3 hours to them is really short, but to a 3 or 4 year old it seems like an entire day.  

  2. lol academic work at preschool. Parents are crazy.

    Depends what kind of play. Like a recess, or playing inside with stuff? I wouldn't send my child to a preschool if it was all play. But I wouldn't send them to a preschool if there was no play.

    Pros: it's exercise. It's healthy to go run around and get fresh air. Kids are energetic and need an outlet for their energy. I think it makes them more ready to concentrate and focus.  

  3. At pre-school, most of it should be playtime. Children are not allowed to be 'educated' at pre-school. Messy play is very important for kids, especially since most parents can't seem to bear this at home, so dress them in rough clothing and let them enjoy their very short childhood. Injusry will happen whether they are in pre-school or at home, it does not increase the risk as long as they are properly supervised. Children do not need to do acedemic work at this age, they will be at school before you know it. They should always be encouraged to join in group activities and quiet times/story times/singing times are equally important to thier social development. That is my opinion.

  4. The only con is injury and those in charge of children have a very delicate balancing act in teaching acceptable risk and reasonable safety. In fairness 'elf and safety have done a great deal to educate in this matter but sadly the silly people in charge are taking the safety aspect to ridiculous lengths and demanding absolute safety. it does not exist

  5. parents actually think their kids shouldn't play? I would think my only concern might be an injury, but it's not a big enough concern that I wouldn't allow my child to play. Kids get hurt, they get messy, it's a way of life.

    I'd just send old clothes to put on for something messy, and hope that the teacher would keep my child as safe as possible.  

  6. i dont think there are any cons, children need to play - they learn through play, social skills, academic skills.

    children shouldnt wear there best clothes to nursery, me and my child love messy play.

    if they were to get badly injured it would be through an adult not paying attention, and small injuries (like grazes) are all part of growing up  

  7. I have never known anyone that doesn't want their children to play. That is a little strange. Play helps a child develop sharing skills, hand eye coordination, motor skills, and lots of other helpful skills. Children also should be having quiet time, maybe like a book read to them, and flash cards to help with their speaking. And my opinion is a little tv is normal and won't kill them.  

  8. The 3 things that you mention are all an integral part of play-As you say-play is important-a child needs to learn by experience and experience only comes from taking part.

    Children get dirty yes- Thats what washing machines are there for.

    Children get hurt yes- but they also learn the dangers so dont do it again.

    Not many people are gifted to be able to do 2 things at the same time-certainly Playing and studying is not one of them !!!

  9. Children can play and learn at the same time, any parent with half a brain will realize that.

    As long as the children are playing in a safe environment and with safe toys I don't think anyone will complain.

    You can set up "centers" that are based on a skill, but the kids just think they are playing.

    Some centers you can have are science/nature,construction,imagination, dramatic play,puzzles etc.

    The kids will think they are just playing but you can throw many things in to  the mix, for instance in the science and nature, you can go over the season, or talk about trees. You can take them on a nature walk, and have them talk about the things they see (birds,trees,flowers,insects  

    You can even throw math skills in! Have them sort things by size,shape and color. You can work on fine motor skills with peg boards, lacing cards, art projects that include cutting,drawing,painting and using different types of  glue.

    Request that each parent send in an oversized shirt for messy days, and remind them not to send the kids in their best clothes as they will use different materials througout their day.

    Most parents will be okay with it, as long as their child is having a blast.

  10. all children need play part of growing up

  11. yea your right play is a way to help the cognitive skill and growth development.  Also it works on the large motor skills and small motor skills.  I took child care and this year i am taking child care 2.  I learned the important things a child should do when they are growing up.  Like playing,math,art,game,and science are one of the many things we did in child care.  It helps them better.  I hope parents think that kids should play and do all of this other stuff.  because if the don't learn it at a young age it is just going to get more difficult to teach them.  hope this helps.  I worked with 4 and 5 year olds so that is why i know.

  12. I was a Preschool teacher for one year, and now have a Preschooler. I know where your coming from. When I was an Assistant Teacher I was surprised by some parents who thought there should be more 'academics' in the class - why are they paying for circle time, and center time, what are they learning? The teacher I worked with had an amazing poem she handed out, that to this day I have kept...



    When I'm building in the block room, Please don't say I'm "just playing," For you see, I'm learning as I play, About balance and shapes.

    When I'm getting all dressed up, Setting the table, caring for the babies, Don't get the idea I"m "just playing", For you see, I'm learning as I play, I may be a mother or father someday.

    When you see me up to my elbows in paint, Or standing at an easel, or molding or shaping clay, Please don't let me hear you say, "He is just playing," For you see, I'm learning as I play. I'm expressing myself and being creative. I may be an artist or an inventor someday.

    When you see me sitting in a chair "Reading" to an imaginary audience, Please don't laugh and think I'm "just playing." For you see, I'm learing as I play. I may be a teacher someday.

    When you see me combing the bushes for bugs, Or packing my pockets with choice things I find, Don't pass it off as "just play." For you see, I'm learning as I play. I may be a scientist someday.

    When you see me engrossed in a puzzle. Or some "plaything" at my school, Please don't feel the time is wasted in "play." For you see, I'm learning as I play. I'm learning to solve problems and concentrate. I may be in business someday.

    When you see me cooking or tasting foods, Please don't think that because I enjoy it, it is "just play." I'm learning to follow directions and see the differences. I may be a chef someday.

    When you see me learning to skip, hop, run, and move my body, Please don't say I'm "just playing." For you see, I"m learning as I play. I'm learning how my body works. I may be a doctor, nurse, or athlete someday.

    When you ask me what I've done at school today, And I say, "I just played," please dont' misunderstand me. For you see, I'm learning as I play. I'm learning to enjoy and be successful in my work. I'm prepareing for tomorrow. Today I am a child and my work is play.

    - I couldn't resist sharing the poem. I remember how much it made a difference to me. My son's favorite thing at Pre-school is 'Messy Table' - I think it's great.  

  13. Jeez, I personally think unorganized, undefined play is what a preschooler needs most.  If it means dirty clothes, oh well.  In the summer that just means take your clothes off.  As for injury - well, with my boys (2 and 3.5) they're allowed to pretty much do what they want as long as I am not involved with rescuing them - it limits how far they push themselves if they know they need to rely on themselves to get out of trees and down from the play equipment.  Of course, they are not to swing sticks around either..  So they're climbing the apple trees and all of our play equipment.

    As for it not being academic work, the most important brain growth in this age is working on their executive functions - the frontal lobe growth.  Most of the work occurs when a child is let alone and allowed to narrate their play - you know how preschoolers are talking themselves through their play.  Executive functions will help them as an adult with controlling all of their behavior and actions.

    As for organized play - eh.  That's for grade school, the fundamentals of brain development are critical - and preschoolers only need to be introduced to academics, not drilled on them.  Big difference between coloring about a letter then having to know your ABCs - for a preschooler it's the coloring more then then knowing.  

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