
Disappearing and reappearing? what does it mean?

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what does this mean? was it my brain playing tricks with me or something else?

I have small bouts of forgetfulness, sometimes. Will be looking for something, only to find out it was in front of me.

Well, once, however, while i was 20yrs old and cooking, something funny happened. My ex-husband was a student and reading at the kitchen table. While cooking, I turned to talk to him and he was not there. We lived in a tiny apartment --two rooms, kicthen and bath--which i searched thoroughly for him. He wasn't to be seen. I thought he had gone out and went back to the kicten. But there he was. I got scared. There was no way for him to enter the house without passing me. I told him what had happened. Neither of us can explain it. He said he was at the table all along. I can swear he wasnt. To this day I cannot explain it. Anyone else experience this?

I was 20 then and neither of us ever used drugs or alcohol.




  1. This has happened to me a lot . In the past more than now. I think we are "blinded" to certain things. I do remember just the other day looking for something in the kitchen...and looking and looking (before asking) Finally, I asked someone  if they knew where it was . They said, "'s right in front of you".  I finally "saw" it.  I've asked questions on here before about being "blinded". I'm glad somebody finally knows what I'm talking about ! lol  Sometimes I think it's also a spiritual thing. Not all the time..but in some situations. I know people who have prayed for someone not to see them....and they walk right past them without seeing plain view.  If you're not "normal"..then I'm not either!! lol

  2. Epilepsy?

  3. Actually, yes this can be explained (probably numerous ways of which this is just one option).

    Have you ever seen the video where you are supposed to count the number of times the basketball is passed between teams? In this video a person in a bear or gorilla suit walks across and if people have been keeping their eye on and counting the ball most people do not see the bear walk across. This is also true the opposite direction when you are reading and a word is missing and you don't notice it because you fill it in because you expect it to be there in order for the passage to make sense.

    So, it is possible he just went out of your perception because of your focus on something else.

    I think this Te most probable and "normal" explanation.

    You didn't find him in the other rooms because he wasn't there.

    Of course he might have been temporarily transported to another dimension that looked exactly the same or went slightly out of synch in a weird time shift but those seem less likely.


  4. Sounds like absent-mindedness to me.  Happens to me all the time.  Always has.

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