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ok is this to extreme

we have a 2 year old that keeps breaking his dads things no matter what we do he does not listen well today he did it again (mind his things are expensive) so his dad took the cheepest toy he had and yeld at him then smashed it in front of him

do you think it was to extreem




  1. I'm sorry but i wish you would learn how to spell.

    But no, I don't think that that was too extreme at all.

    Children need to be taught to obey their parents

    and as long as you're not beating him or anything of

    the sort, it seems fine to give him a taste of his own

    actions. This will surely be a lesson to him to respect

    his parents.

    Good luck with that toddler of yours.

  2. I don't think that an adult acting like a 2 yr old is the right thing to do....

    Dad needs to keep these things out of his reach. He's 2.

  3. I have been tempted to do that sometimes, but no I haven't because in all honesty it's not exactly the best parenting technique.  Nice things and 2 year olds don't mix.  Does he break them on purpose? or is he just curious and a little clumsy?  You will just have to set some ground rules about what he can and cannot touch, and when he breaks them, he goes to timeout after a warning.  With 2 year olds, since their listening skills are not exactly top notch, you usually just have to physically remove them from the object.  Are they things that you can find a kids version of? my son loves to get into my husbands tools, which is a big no-no, but we have bought him his own tools, and now he uses those when he sees his dad fixing stuff.  Of course, they're not as appealing, but it helps.

  4. i think that your son is probably acting out for attention. my son does the same thing, he is 2 and a half. when he starts acting out for attention, i try and explain to him that that is not how he gets attention. then he will ask me to play with him, or something like that. and i do, but only after he understands that acting out will not get attention. i think that how your husband reacted was a little extreme.

  5. Your child is just 2 and smashing the toy probably didn't help him understand why daddy did that. Just talk to your kid and show him that he cant do that or try to change the tone of voice when he does something bad. U can give your little boy a time out also and make him sit in the corner sooner or later he will analyze doing something bad with the corner and stop.  

    Good luck with your little one but wait till he is 3 it gets worse.

  6. Parents need to teach by example and not follow the actions of a 2 year old.  Do I understand what he was trying to do?  Absolutely.  Two year olds are a huge challenge.  Parents get frustrated.  But you and dad need to take a time out too and get over that inital anger.  Tell the toddler, NO! and put him in his room/crib whatever for a time out (1 minute per year = 2 minutes).  The time out is for the toddlers benefit, but mostly for the parents to get over their anger.  The child needs to help clean up (as long as it's safe) and he needs to tell his dad he is sorry and give him a hug.  It is time to put those expensive, breakable items out of reach for the next 3 years to avoid more episodes.  He's going through the 'terrible 2's" , but the 3's are terrifying!  Stay calm and be a good example.  Good luck!
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