
Discharge or c**p???

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Ok this is really weird. I had my first gynocologist exam on July 30. My period came on the next afternoon. But on the night of July 30 around 11pm i went to the bathroom and there was this brown stuff. I do not know if it was disharge or c**p. but it was located in the seat and near my b******e. It happened again like an hour ago...and thats the second time. Any ideas???




  1. does it smell like c**p?

  2. 'c**p' smells like, well, c**p!

    I think it would be obvious if it was not just discharge., which has a totally different smell.

  3. i think its your discharge.  

  4. Smell it and you should be able to tell.  It could be just old blood that is making its way out.

  5. Do you think you have the start of a yeast infection?This happened to me when i got my period once at a young age.It was rust or dark brown colored.Dont be to alarmed though if the doc was just there and says everything is o.k. you should be o.k.

  6. That was probably the start of your period.  Many women have darker blood in the beginning (it's blood that was leftover from your last period).  It's completely normal.

    If you are that worried about it you can always ask your doctor.
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