
Discipline and Bratty Kids?

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So my neighbors and I are very close. They have a 14 year old child, an 11 year old child and an 8 year old.

These kids are so undisciplined that they behave like savages or monsters. Their parents have been very... liberal... when it comes to discipline in that the big punishment these kids get is being sent to their room where they have full cable tv, computers, cell phones, etc.

After dodging an attack from the 11 year old who was armed with a bat, I suggested that they start beating their kids. They said that the only reason they dont is because CPS will come take the kids if they did.

Has the state of parenting been this badly crippled? When your kid needs to get smacked, parents cant even smack them anymore?

Am I alone in think that this sends the wrong message?




  1. I dont think hitting is the right way to discipline your kids.  When you are younger yes, but when they get to that age no! Their parents need to sit and talk to their children. Talk about the punishments they will be getting. If they are mouthing off (or whatever they do) send them to their room and take away their t.v. computers and cell phones. When they are more respectful they can have their stuff back. or something like that

  2. I do think that it has been extremely cripled!!!!

    I don't, however, know how to discipline the older children, as I only have children under 8. But my 8 year old still gets a spanken on his butt...ON HIS BUTT....I dont beleive that hurting a child out of anger is appropriate!!!

    But I DO KNOW that my son straightens up when a spanken is threatened!

    We had custody of my sister, but only had to ground her a few times because she was very respectful to I cant' even help out with that!!!!

    They (the parents) need to find a way to discipline the kids, ESPECIALLY after you had to dodge an attack WITH A BASEBALL BAT BY AN 11 YEAR OLD!!!!!!!!!

    If that boy would of attacked you....well, that family would not of been enjoying the fact that their child would be charged with assault...and what would it look like for the parents then?

    Some people want disrespectful and bratty kids, i guess!

    I, however, DO NOT!

    And CPS will not take your kids for SPANKING them......they will however take them if you are seriously beating them...leaving marks and stuff like that!

    I am assuming by beating you mean spanking.....or at least i hope so.......

    But parents wont' discipline their kids anymore because they think reasoning with them will always work...WHEN THEY ARE OLDER>>>YES!

    But you can NOT reason with a 2 year old...........

    rest in knowing there are FEW...but some...parents out there who do not promote this kind of behavior!

  3. spanking your kids does reach them to hit others depending on how you spank.but yes if you spank you kids now days and they get a temp. red mark they can take your kids from u.they want u to teach other forms of discipline but there isnt enough.most kids do have alot of things to keep them occupied.if grounded to their room.parents dont want to take the time to clean everything out.the gov. says you can lightly spank as long as  it is on their but and no marks.but if someone reports u for spanking,they can take ur kids while they to your neigh. and ask them what they think about community service.if they need to be disiplined,try having them clean up a park or help neigh. with yard work or other things.having them help others can help turn off bad behavior, because it takes away something else fun they could be doing.reward with good behavior.take to a dollar movie,get icecream cone.think of stuff they would like.most kids r lazy anymore comm. service should help and someone in your  neigh. could use some help.good luck

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