hi everyone.
this morning i posted a question about smacking children and how i did not, but wanted opinions etc from parents who felt smacking was right.
Alot of parents seem too smack there children as a form of discipline.
I myself have 2 sons, now my 3 yr old has never been smacked in his life, in fact i have never even thought about it till now. He is a great kid and well mannered and people comment everywhere we go how well mannered and polite he is.
i use the time out seat, for 3 Min's, then after 3 Min's return explain why he was put there, he says sorry and then that's it.
When he was younger, i ignored bad behaviour and praised good.
I just feel inflicting pain on a child is cruel, and i personally would feel so guilty i would/could never do that.
whats your way too discipline?