My normally placid 5 yo son has done a Jekyll/Hyde thing since starting school 6 months ago. He screams at me, kicks and hits walls, throws things and has huge tantrums about the smallest thing. None of the strategies i have used in the past work at all. ie time out (he either refuses to stay or screams and kicks and damages things while he is there) removing privelages (he screams and breaks things), ignoring him (he screams and throws things - have ignored him for 2 HOURS and he was still going!! Ended up putting him in a cold shower to make him stop.), reward chart (he doesn't care).
This behaviour only started a few weeks after he started school. I have spoken to his teacher and she said he is an angel at school, has lots of friends and is doing really well. I just don't get it!!
I have older children no longer at home, and have never seen anything like it. I have exhausted all tried and true strategies and am at my wits end!