
Disconnecting vonage device?

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i had vonage at one time but now i dont want it anymore. how do i disconnect the modum without messing up my internet?




  1. Depends on which VoIP adapter box from Vonage you are using.

    Typical installations include:

    Internet Modem (cable or DSL)

    Router (wired or wireless)

    VoIP analog telephone adapter (ATA - many models available)

    These boxes can be all separate, or all in one combo box, etc.

    Some installations use Combo boxes that integrate Modem/Router/ATA in one box.

    Some installations use a Modem supplied by your ISP, but Router/ATA supplied by your VoIP company.

    Some installations use a Modem/Router combo supplied by your ISP, and your ATA phone adapter supplied by your VoIP service provider.

    If your VoIP box is a stand-alone ATA supplied by Vonage, then you can just unplug and trash it without any effect on anything else on your network setup.

    If your VoIP box is part of a Router/ATA combo box supplied by Vonage, then before you can trash the box, you will need a new stand-alone Router (without the ATA built-in) to replace it.

    For example, I have an Internet Modem supplied by my cable ISP.

    The Modem is plugged-into my Linksys WRT54G wireless router.

    Then, my Linksys VoIP ATA phone adapter is plugged into my Linksys Router.

    If, I decided to trash my Linksys ATA phone adapter (which isn't likely for me), it would just be a simple matter of unplugging it from my Linksys Router and that's it, nothing else to do.

    With my setup, if I didn't like my VoIP service provider (which I currently do) I would just cancel my service, erase their configuration settings from my user-configurable VoIP ATA and then re-program it for another preferred VoIP service provider of my choice.

    (There are numerous VoIP services that allow you to use your own configurable VoIP adapter, like I have done.... but Vonage isn't one of them that allows this...)

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