
Discovering on our own!!!?

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During one of the medical schools in the U.S, there was a big deal about a muscle discovered in humans that no one had ever seen before. It is in the jaw area. Medical students dissect and look at every muscle in the body, but none had seen this muscle. That was because they all used the same method for the dissection and that method destroyed the muscle. So my question is, do you think school is brainwashing us to act the same and think the same? All these medical students made the same error over and over again, because they all followed the same standard methods. Therefore, I think schools are creating "Robots" to act and think the same way, instead of having us invent or discover our own path and view of the world around us.

Thank you!




  1. Well, if you think about it, everyone on this planet does pretty similar things.

    Think about at school, you are taught one way to solve a maths equation, maybe two. This is probably because that is the only flawless method known, and one method - thought to be flawless - is better than nothing, right?

    The same thing is occurring here. The test they did was the best one they had, and they thought it was flawless as they didn't know of the flaw. Therefore, in their mind, the procedure was the best they had and there was no reason to change a supposedly perfect procedure.

    I know that might have been a bit confusing but I hope you get my drift!

    BTW: How did they find the jaw muscle after all, then?

  2. So, to tell my experience at the anatomy class room and also when I was performing a practice on a dead body, we were a little scared because it was the 1st year and again there was no question of invention at all.

    We all had to follow a  strict guideline and were given proper suggestion what to do and had to find out. (DISSECT)

    So, the first year medical college studies are neither for INVENTION nor for being felt like any specialist.

    We were strictly asked to dissect the most fundamental anatomical organs and parts.

    ( depending on syllabus progress)

    Moreover, every practical performance in the  first year is meant for learning by yourself in practical classes and that was always followed by a few LECTURES by our prof. or HEAD OF THE DEPT.

    SO, even someone might have wanted to do something more than the syllabus requirement, what else he could have done? NOTHING but to follow a guideline. And wait for when he would be at least in 2nd or 3rd year studies.


    But I agree with you, ( Though my experience  that I have stated) because there is a little truth

    I can tell you About a genius BOY, who already in the 2nd year of studies found something specific in the cytology practice classes and become so so famous. And in the 3rd year he was sent to Switzerland to do his further research and next doctorate in medicine.

    In 5th year he already had a doctorate in medicine, however  funnily,  he just got his medical MD degree after 6th year. so, he had to wait for simple MD degree for one more year. Invention is so rare in anatomy, embryology, cytology, histogy or biochemistry.

    But in 2nd or 3rd year? of course one can invent certainly in PHYSIOLOGY lab and there is TOTAL FREEDOM.

    NO restricted guideance that much at all there.

    To conclude.....

    So, It happens. People are allowed to invent and achieve success but not in the very first year of medical studies. There you are JUST a ROBOT to perform what "THEY " ask you to do.


    And do you know what is ERROR in practical classes? When you have made a different CUT or went through a another  organ topography analysis than your objective was.

    DURING that muscle destroy, it was not an ERROR as the students did not targeted that muscle at all as an OBJECTIVE.

    It was beyond the awareness, however later revealed that there is something uninvented or "SUCH" muscle existing.

    Upto a time it was not an error nor a bad teaching but if it was done deleberately, OK, then IT is an ERROR and as you have mentioned it could  have been a brainwashing or producing a ROBOT having no invention ability development.

    BUT, accordind to your description, it was at all not the case that took place in that US medical college.

    They must have been in the first or hardly 2nd year and just "SCARED" starters.

    Are you a little satisfied?

    feedback please:)


    I agree, however, junior school, high school and under graduate colleges create ROBOTS and stopping us to THINK.

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