
Discribe how you modify children's behaviour?

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im am working with children aged 3 to 4' do i deal with a situation that goes beyond the behavioural guidelines?




  1. I'm taking an early childhood class right now where we run a preschool working with ages 4 and 5. I dont know what you mean by beyond the behavioral guidelines but here is a good rule of thumb for discipline...

    Use time out. It doesnt sound very effective but it is. Put the child in time out for one minute for each year of age. (3 years old - 3 minutes) It is just enough time for them to think about their actions and why it landed them in time out. Any longer than that and they tend to forget why they are there in the first place.

    I dont know if you are working with them or you mean for your own children, but if you are working with them, you need to discuss it with their parents.

    Try distraction or redirection. With distraction, provide them with something to do that they will enjoy and not feel the need to act out. With redirection, take what they are doing badly and turn it into a positive. For instance, if they are kicking the other children, focus their attention on soccer and explain to them that kicking the ball is a better way to get their frustration out, and not kicking their friends.

    Also, make sure that you praise good behavior immediately. And be consistent. Those are two key factors when dealing with the little ones!

    I hope that was helpful =]

  2. I think that you should reward good behavior, but not with junk food like candy, cake or cookies. Instead reward them with a sticker if that works, or maybe a walk or a trip to the park. Anyway, you also have to dicipline bad behaivor also. My brothers who are five; if they disobey they get put on the "naughty step" it works very effectivley. But I have to say to all parents to NEVER slap or beat there children. It doesn't matter how disobeidient they are becasue it can back fire you eventally. But in my opinion you can "spank" your child IF he/she is YOUR child. Because it can be called child abuse if you do it on some kids you watch. So if I were you I would first warn them that they will get a time out if he/she does it again. And you have to DO IT! I know this is a comman mistake of alot of parents, they threatin to do things but they never actually do it. So after they do it again I would but him/her on a chair AWAY from the group in a corner. Than for how old they are it should be one minute. For example if the child is 4, he/she should be in "time out" for 4 minutes. And after 4 minutes he/she can get up but IMMIEDIETLY after you child does it again put him/her in the time out chair again. Same, 4 minutes. After about 3 times I would double the time. (and warn the child of this before hand). And than after like 2 times of doing this I would call the parents, (if you are working at a day care center) (warn the child of this before hand though.

    Hope this helps- :D

  3. you should always reward good behavior. children will realize that that are praised for doing good and reprimanded for bad deeds.  they will rather have the praise and gratification.  this is a process and you have to stick to it.  follow the behavioral guidelines and be a role model as well.  children model what they see.....let them always catch you on your best behavior.

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