
Discriminating against someone based on their race, age or gender is illegal, right?

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So then why are the liberals getting away with being so discriminatory of McCain (age) and Palin (gender) while the rest of the country can't speak a word about Obama's race without being called a racist?

merriam-webster defines a bigot as "a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group ... with hatred and intolerance."

I say that libs and dems who are criticizing McCain for his age and Palin for her gender are just as bigoted as Cons and republicans who criticize Obama for his race.

Your thoughts?




  1. Politicians, and their lackeys in mainstream media are the biggest promoters of hatred.  It is they who continue to divide us.  They refer to Obama as "black", as if that had any relevance.  The fact is, he is only half black, so why do they refer to him as black?

    Or, they refer to "women's issues", as if women were living on a different planet from men.  There are no women's issues.  There are no black issues.  We are all in the same boat.  We are all being manipulated and robbed by a gang of criminals.  These criminals are our politicians.

    We need to stop worrying about our s*x, our color and our age.  We need to worry about our freedom, and the gangsters who are destroying it.  And it's not the terrorists in Iraq or Afghanistan who are taking our freedom.  It's Democrats and Republicans in Washington.

  2. There is a difference between being a "bigot", and actually discriminating.  You're confusing the two.

    Discrimination is taking an act, or failing to take an act, based on a person's protected group (age, race, gender, etc), that causes a tangible harm to that person.

    What tangible harm is being suffered by McCain and/or Palin?

    Are bigoted comments being made?  Sure, but that's on both sides.  McCain is "old" and Palin is "only a female" and Obama is "black" and a "muslim" or a "black-liberationist".  Those are ignorant comments to be sure, but lean more toward slander than discrimination.

    When McCain is denied TV time because he's too old, that's discrimination, because he has suffered a harm.  There is no discrimination taking place.

  3. i have yet to hear anyone criticize palin by saying "she is a woman and women cannot govern as well as men." i have heard criticisms of her record, her abuse of power, her policies, etc. unfortunately i think that using her mothering skills as some kind of "proof" of how she would govern is indeed unfair. it's hard to imagine a male candidate undergoing that kind of comparison. and criticizing obama because he is black IS discrimination. you can criticize his record, his platform, his whatever, but if you say "i don't like him because he is black," then that is racist. i do think it's unfortunate that people criticize mccain for his age, but i think that it mostly has to do with people worried about his health (a legitimate concern for someone who is older) vs being worried about his mental acuity, the latter of which would fall into age discrimination.

  4. name one person who has criticized palin for being a woman.  I've got all day.

    Nobody is 'discriminating' against McCain.  Is he being kept from running?  Is he disqualified in any way from being a Presidential candidate?

    His age is of CONCERN to some people because we all die and the closer you get to 80 the closer you are to dying, statistically speaking, than someone who is 45.  

    yes, people who are bigots are bigots, it doesn't matter why you're a bigot.  But you're wishful thinking that none of this criticism is coming from your own "side" of the aisle is alarming.  McCain is a "maverick" to many, Palin is a reformer/maverick who took down some republican insiders.  If you really think neither of these two have enemies on the right you're fooling yourself.

    McCain had to convince his own base AFTER winning the primary that he was "conservative" enough for the job.  

    IN fact, the most sexist things I have heard about Palin are the "VPILF" comments and other remarks about her looks...  That is discriminatory and its coming largely from the right...  Just listen

  5. In areas of discrimination and bigotry, double standards are quite common.

  6. Put away the age and gender card. No one's discriminating it's just that many are scared that he's going to die in office. I mean I'd view that as a concern rather than bashing. Bigots I don't think so. Some are saying that Obama isn't white/black or white/black enough, and then having the audacity to state that he's a racist against his own race. It's gotten so ridiculous that they cannot even keep their stories straight.

  7. My thoughts are that you are wrong and very biased. I am pretty sure there are plenty of people who won't vote for Obama because he is black. If you are trying to make a point, we all get it, this is not even a question. Just an complaint disguised as a question in which you are going to give the best answer to someone who agrees with you.

  8. Actually, your premise is incorrect.  Discrimination is not illegal.

    We all discriminate at various times in various ways.  All discrimination amounts to is judging that there are differences between two or more choices, and making a decision based on the difference.  We all do this when we get married, deciding one is different from the rest, and discrimination based on gender, age, s*x, religion, and physical appearance are very common differentiators.  

    Where it is illegal is in hiring, and due to the sanctity of the privacy of the ballot box, it really doesn't matter if that kind of hiring is covered or not, no evidence of such discrimination could ever be obtained.

    It certainly isn't illegal to speak of differences, real or imagined, based on such things.  If it were, there wouldn't be a lot of comedy and humor left.  Take the "blond" out of "blond jokes" and it isn't funny anymore.  Take the racism element away from Whoopi Goldberg and Richard Pryor, and they're working for McDonald's.  

    Back to your real issue, why the Democrats get away with it and Republicans don't, part of the reason is that at least this year, the Republicans have other things to talk about.  Democrats simply don't.  The Surge worked, the Economy isn't as bad as they claim, and Nancy Pelosi is still single-handedly blocking the domestic drilling that the majority of us want.  There are no issues they can talk about that will work, so all they have is claiming you're a racist for wanting to vote for an "old white guy".

  9. I don't make fun of McCain's age.  His choice of VP was purely motivated by his lower brain though and I can discriminate well enough based on the fact that he chose a woman with hardly any experience to sit as VP for the sole reason that she is a woman.  I discriminate against misogynists, and not based on age or gender.

  10. Age is more legitimate than race or gender. Because there's actually a real concern something could happen because of it, if a candidate is elderly. Its just a reality of life. I'm not saying its a major issue, but at least it does have some practical implications.

    But as far as race and gender go... there's no excuse for discrimination. Palin's gender is no different than Obama's race. But you shouldn't confuse actual party democrats with the media and what bloggers online are saying. Obama and his campaign staff haven't said a word about Palin's gender. There are bloggers on all sides that say vile things.

    But in terms of people who say, "how can she be a good vp if she has 5 kids..." I agree, that's discriminatory.

  11. Because it is the 'progressive" left that are discriminating.  They are under the delusion that they have the moral high ground..

  12. I think you have succinctly pointed out just how bigoted and intolerant the left really is in this country. They will espouse tolerance and inclusion, and then mindlessly strike out against anyone who dares to present an opposing view. I think they even confuse themselves.

  13. Discrimination was a law put forth by the Liberals,  They think they can use it when they want and not allow anyone else to do so.

    It's reserved as a Liberal freedom.  Not a Conservative freedom.  

    They are Hypocrites.

  14. It has nothing to do with either age or s*x, it has to do with policy differences.  Palin thinks exterminating rare animals by shooting them from airplanes and helicpoters is fun, so count on losing a lot of innocent harmless beautiful animals if her POLICIES take force, and why wouldn't they if she has the power of being Vice President and presiding over the Senate.  Do you want cute furry animals exterminated?  If not, then vote on the policy issue--do not vote for her.  Do you want more tax breaks for rich people so people like you (I am assuming you are middle class) can continue footing the bill for the government with your taxes and by the way the value of what money you do have will continue to drop because of inflation caused by not collecting enough taxes from the rich people McCain doesn't want to tax.  That isn't too hard to understand, is it?  Its all about policy, not personality.  Unfortunately the Republicans always run on personality so you probably think policy doesn't matter, but in reality, it is all that does matter.  Please figure this out, its for your own good.  Really.

  15. Because main stream media is liberal and supported by the likes of George Soros. Have you not noticed the liberal democrat biased media coverage of the four candidates?

    Liberals want it both ways...... they spout equality tolerance and fairness out of one side of their mouths while being intolerant of anything and anyone opposed to their way of thinking.

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