
Discrimination maybe?....Help needed plz read and respond!?

by Guest60914  |  earlier

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I have a son who wants to drop a hard academic math course in his gr 11 this year. Apparantly, the guidance and the principle have a problem with him and will not let him DROP and take an easier applied course. This is nonsense to me. Who can I talk to? I've already talked to the board of education and they obviously are on the principples side..what can i do?




  1. Nope, I don't see discrimination.  There has to be a valid reason to drop a course, not just 'cause it's hard.  Schools cannot let kids switch classes 'cause they don't like the teacher or it's too hard...  There's nobody else to talk to, except your son.  Help him, instead of looking to get him an easy way out...

  2. I see no grounds for discrimination in the facts as you state them. The question should probably be asked as to WHY your son wants to drop the class? Is he having trouble comprehending the work, or is he simply looking for an easier class to bump up his GPA?

    As a general rule..if a student is shown not to need special assistance (slow), and his grades up to this point are within acceptable levels (c or better), then no change in class level should be allowed as he is clearly capable of learning the subject.  NO EASY "A's" ALLOWED.

  3. you didn't say what their reason is for not letting your son drop out.  they must have a reason, what is it?

  4. well it depends on on why he really wont let him drop the class... you cant just assume discrimination....... call the principal for a meeting and if that doesnt work out just help out your son with his math

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