
Discrimination of blondes?

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why are blondes discriminated?i always see in the jokes section about jokes saying that blondes are dumb and stupid?why is that?are blondes really that stupid?why are americans saying they are?

people are always saying that blondes are so dumb.especially in jokes.can you please explain?




  1. If americans blonde says they are stupid and dumb. Thats true....(joke)

    They are saying that, because they think that they are jelous of what can blonde people do. And in jokes, thay can't tell jokes about their own personality. For example they have black skin. Thay will not make theirselves to be laugh of by others. Gets?!

  2. This is a North American stereotype (Scandinavian countries do not have this issue).  Some of the contributing factors is perhaps a reaction against blondes being considered more attractive (more youthful looking due to fine and fair hair being associated with children - therefore more fecund), and consistently, more attractive people are seen as more competent, more social and are as a result, often treated better.  The youthful perception also works against blondes in some ways, because there is an association with naivete (and therefore seen as "dumb".

    Hollywood certainly contributes to the stereotype, glamourizing the likes of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, and there are scores of movies perpetuating the same.  So the image remains alive and well in people's psyches.

  3. its just a sterotype. All other races have their own sterotype. Especially with the media, blonds girls are hated mostly because they are blond--which symbolizes barbie. Barbies are tall, slim, have the perfect shape and not forgetting it is blond. Ever heard the quote "beauty without the brains".. well the blond joke is really about that. ITs like saying blonds are pretty and have everything, except they have no brains. Thats just a sterotype.. but personally i dont believe in it.. because they are a lot of intelligent blonds out there .. that go off to college, graduate from graduate school and live a happy life.

    Another thing is hollywood have a lot of blonds~that just happen to be millionioers because of their beauty, but high school drop outs.. So this is also like another thing that made people came about with that sterotype about blonds.

  4. One of the main factors was in the program "Married With Children".

    In one episode, someone said something to Kelly and her reply was that they had to speak slowly, explain what they meant or something of that nature because she is "blond".

    There were some jokes about blonds at the time, and supported by stars such as Maryln Monroe, but since that episode, the stereotype has become embedded in the joke mentality of the public. This is not limited to the US, as the program has been translated into other languages. Living in Germany, I noticed when the series was first aired, in general, Americans were looked at as having a lower mentality. Personally I could not sit through even one episode as I prefer a more intellectual comody.

    A second factor is that men are often more attracted to blond feemales overthose with dark hair. Men often have a weak ego and if a woman is able to maintain their position with a man as an equal, the man often becomes less interested. However if a woman plays down her intelligence, she stands a better chance at capturing the interest of a man. This more often than not works for women of any hair color.

    On the other hand, playing down the intelligence can also have a negative effect with some men. I personally pay more attention to a womans personality and intelligence than the physical attractiveness. I find nothing more attractive and erotic in a woman than personality, intelligence and creativity.

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