
Discuss the Impact of French Colonisation and the Vietnam response

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dont have clue where to start on this question please help




  1. Do your own homework. That's how you learn.

  2. HAHA

    u got bad luck

    i had more luck then you!!!!

    dont get all the answers from mine i'm used all of it in my essay already. im sending in the 3rd draft

  3. In other words,

    What was the response of the Vietnamese people when the French occupied their land.

    Was its a positive , welcoming response? or was it a cold unwelcome response by the Vietnamese people.

    Why did the Vietnamese react like this and why were the french even their in the first place?

    It would takes pages for someone to explain it here on yahoo.

    Your wording of the question wont get any positive yet helpful answers.  You should post essay/assignment questions in your own words no matter how simple it is.

    Like 'did the Vietnamese like the French occupying their land?'

    or state your generalized idea/ argument and see if others will agree or disagree and that may give some points to argue.

    That should get some answers that may give you some points to discuss in your essay question.

    In other words, the more effort you put into posting your question, the more effort others will put into answering this question (except mine).

  4. boy, if this isn't an essay question, then you're your own uncle. you're very young or think we're very stupid and foolish. me? doing your work? i could but then it would cost you $$$ and probably more than you have or want to spend.  grow up and do your own work.  

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