
Discuss the payoff of education in relation to personal development, effective citizenry, and upward mobility.

by Guest31696  |  earlier

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Discuss the payoff of education in relation to personal development, effective citizenry, and upward mobility.




  1. The personal development one gains from higher education levels is the increased ability to think critically about issues, which assists in problem solving skills, decision making skills, and enhances capacity for knowledge of how and why things are the way they are.  Effective citizenry accompanies the skills gained from personal development, enabling one to have a better understanding of worldviews.  The greater the ability to think critically and utilize working knowledge, the more effective they will be as a citizen and they will be more likely to be an active participant as a citizen.  There's a positive correlation between education level and income.  Higher educated people have the knowledge, training, and skills to attain higher paying positions with higher job security.  Income levels are the driving force to gain resources toward upward mobility.

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