
Discuss the possibility that the "age of antibiotics" may be drawing to a close?

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Discuss the possibility that the "age of antibiotics" may be drawing to a close?




  1. Well, many strains of bacterial infections are becoming immune to antibiotics, and the researches need to become ever more creative in battling them.

    That compounded with the fact of all this new fangled alternative "medicine" becoming more popular will probably see a reduction in the use of antibiotics to fight infection.

    This will be good because over use of antibiotics have caused the many strains to become immune.

    On the other hand, many people who are too dumb to seek real medical help will die.

    Well, survival of the fittest I suppose.

  2. Germs ability to mutate at a much faster rate than scientists are able to produce new strains of antibiotics is resulting in large groups of bacteria appearing totally immune to all contemporary medicines.This is producing the reemergence of some old diseases like T.B., and some new super-bug induced diseases like M.R.S.A.

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