
Discuss the use of the MOV command. Be sure to specify all the limitations of using this command.

by  |  earlier

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assembly language related




  1. it is used to move the data from the right specified one to left specified one ...

    mov a b

    value at a is over written by b's value

  2. Really, you should be doing your own homework.

    If you're learning Assembly Language, then you should have a reference manual of all the instructions for the CPU that you're programming.

    Go to Intel's web site and download the Pentium 4 Software Development Manuals.  (It consists of 3 .pdf files.)  If you had that, then you wouldn't need to ask this question.

  3. The MOV instruction cannot:

        * set the value of the CS and IP registers.

        * copy value of one segment register to another segment register (should copy to general register first).

        * copy immediate value to segment register (should copy to general register first).


    ORG 100h

    MOV AX, 0B800h    ; set AX = B800h (VGA memory).

    MOV DS, AX        ; copy value of AX to DS.

    MOV CL, 'A'       ; CL = 41h (ASCII code).

    MOV CH, 01011111b ; CL = color attribute.

    MOV BX, 15Eh      ; BX = position on screen.

    MOV [BX], CX      ; w.[0B800h:015Eh] = CX.

    RET               ; returns to operating system.

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