
Discuss your beliefs on the hazards of global warming and the urgent need for remedial action.?

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Discuss your beliefs on the hazards of global warming and the urgent need for remedial action.?




  1. Homework?

    You first...

  2. The hazards of global warming are in how many volcanoes are active.

    Remedial is concerned with the correction of faulty study habits and the raising of a pupil's general competence.

    Some of the hazards of global warming could be what is happening now with the bird flu, the swine flu, and other human viruses that seem to thrive in certain conditions and temperatures.  

    But those are the most general circumstances.

    The more immediate ones are the decline in natural consumable growth.  

    Sure, there's rain forests and national parks and green grass all over and that sort of calms the fears of the man-made global warming people, but you cannot eat a giant oak tree or a pine tree and you are not a cow.

    It seems that the weather has turned against us recently and that could be an immediate result of global warming.

    And certain plants will not grow in atmospheres and soil that are constantly changing.

    And there's the ice and it's melting and that definitely is the globe warming, not the atmosphere.

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