
Discussion about prostitution. Agree or disagree, why?

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My brother said prostitution should be legalized that way there will be no need for pimps. Also if prostitution is legalized the girls should have weekly doctors visits to check for STD's. Since it would be legal taxes will also be taken out.

Agree or disagree with my brother. He is right next to me.




  1. It's nasty - but I agree. People should be able to decide what to do on their own. If everyone is of legal age, and someone wants to spend their money that way - and someone wants to make money that way - then how is it the governments business?

    Better off taxing it and keeping the girls cleaner and safer.

  2. Prostitution is a victimless crime, it should be legalized. I think your brother is 100% right.

  3. I think that your brother is oversimplifying such issue, and looking at it from one angle, the primitive instinct of pure male lust. By doing so, he is being selfish and making a bias decision. The nature of the subject in hand is mainly humane. Therefore, If we discarded religious and even moral back grounds, we can't over look the opinion of the exploited party here, the prostitute.

    In some countries, training courses are offered to get a permit for such career, were the trainee should pass tests w/ high grade.All for the sake of tourists comfort.

    You are talking about a market were the main offered merchandise is the female body to be used and disposed like a handkerchief. Its a humane issue that cannot be thought of as a YES or NO question.    

  4. 1. There will be no need for pimps if prostitution is legalized.

    There would still be pimps, they would just be called 'managers'.

    2. If prostitution is legalized the 'girls' should have weekly doctor visits to check for STDs.

    People fake automobile inspection stickers, why couldn't they fake physician inspection reports? Also, most of the really serious STDs don't show up that quickly. Infection would still be spread.

    3. Taxes would be paid to the government.

    People cheat on their taxes everyday. One more class of crime for the legislators to mull over.

    Overall his plan would make a lot more government jobs available.

    The truth of the matter is that prostitution is not a victimless crime. The victims are the women and men (g*y men want s*x, too) who are forced into that underworld to survive either because of drug addiction, lack of education or lack of self-esteem. They are abused by their pimps, the system in the guise of the police, social workers, health-care workers, etc, their 'Johns' and anyone else who gets half a chance.

    A friend of mine had the same view-point as your brother until she took a trip to Amsterdam. She went for a vacation and came back with a whole new outlook. She said she went for a walk in one of the areas where the prostitutes have their 'shops'. (In Amsterdam prostitution is legal and is more or less regulated by the government.) She got to take a good, close look at the conditions and the women. She said she was chilled to the bone because of the expression in their eyes. She said they were 'broken'. Their eyes were so sad and completely lacking in hope.

    Ask your brother to put himself in the place of someone, male or female, who has to sell their body to survive. Then ask him what should be done about prostitution and those who support it with their dollars and scorn.

    I guess I'll have to say I disagree with your brother and anyone else who supports his ideology.

  5. i would have to say a little of both. As sick as it is to think of women this way,they chose to sell there bodies.  Think about it men are dumb enough to pay for s*x,and women are dumb enough to put out then that is there right .

  6. Prostitution is legal in the state I live in, in Australia.

    When it was first legalised it was said that the workers would benefit a lot through less organised crime involvement in the industry, better access to health care and legal rights.

    While this is true to some extent, it has not been entirely the panacea hoped for.

    For one thing, people who enter the s*x industry as workers are often addicted to drugs or have other emotional problems which mean they aren't very good at living within 'the rules', and the industry itself tends to attract predatory types of people looking to make a quick buck off the work of others.

    Nevertheless, it has been an improvement over the previous situation, so I would basically agree with your bro.

    Cheers :-)

  7. Disagree.

    While his reasoning is good there are a few things that aren't taken into consideration.

    1: while weekly doctors visits to check for STD's / STI's the tests require more time to preform (such as the test for HIV/AIDS). This will still lead to STI/STD infection and the insurance policies could be crippling for a prostitution business.

    2: It doesn't account for 'particular' tastes. There will always be people wanting 'particular' prostitutes, whether they are minors or minorities.

    3: Human trafficking will still be 'required' to fill the demand and to 'assist' brothel owners in reducing their costs.

    4: Prostitution links women with s*x directly and causes the continuation of discrimination of women because all a man has to do is go to the brothel and get laid rather then actually engaging a woman. This means that the woman is little more than a s*x toy and is thus objectified which leads to discrimination.

  8. Legalizing prostitution will not get rid of pimps.

    Prostitution is de-criminalized in a few places and girls and women are still exploited.

  9. It is legalized... it's called "Marriage"

  10. meh its a way to earn money that doesnt hurt people (dont go into moralistic arguments) so why should it not be legal?. yup i agree.

  11. Prostitution is legal - or here in the uk it is.

    Brothels are not and neither is advertising it.

    Saying that Im not sure its legal to use their 'services'.  

  12. I agree with your brother... .

  13. Two people can choose to have s*x and that is completely legal...  One person can give another any amount of money and that is completely legal... But when the two are combined it becomes illegal???  That makes no sense whatsoever; of course it should legalized...

  14. I agree when can I start because its like sunshine

  15. It is legal in many countries (you must be from the USA) and it hasn't  meant any "moral decline" to them. Actually it has been christian morality (or other religion) which has made it illegal elsewhere. Rational minds will find it hard to explain why is it forbidden and what is being protected by this prohibition. You can only find it "morally" wrong, but law should be kept aside from moral values.

  16. don't know the ramifications on making it legal but it sure would be easier to get laid.

  17. Agree

  18. Agree.  Prostitution will happen whether it is legal or illegal.  At least if it is legal, it can be controlled - i.e safe s*x can be enforced, and STD checks compulsory.  The girls can work in a safer environment as well. They do this under their own free will, so if they do, then at least they should be safe.   If you looked at it from a moral standpoint, the you might disagree, but that is another story.

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