
Discussion and reflection on the causes and condition affecting inner city and gang violoence:?

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how does the current state of our society and its response to youth issues, intensify the problem of youth/gang violoence in inner city communities? Examples are criminal justic system, public education, employment.




  1. Are we in the third or fourth generation of gang-bangers?  With each generation, it gets worse and with 50% absent fathers, in the black community, kids are joining gangs and dropping out of school.  In the White and Mexican homes, much of it is due to lack of education, poverty and insecurity.  I have always thought parents should be held responsible for their kids actions until the kid is 18.  Parents might keep better track of their kids and make sure they get an education, if they knew they would pay a price for a debt or crime.  The ignorance of these gang-bangers is so apparent, when they are interviewed, as adults, in jail.   They never grow up!

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