
Disgusted with someones question, they insulted Cubans!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I was searching through yahoo and came across a question written 2 years ago. Its about Why do Cuban-Americans complain so much about Fidel Castro? The link is:;_ylt=AgMwKT6.Odm.DvFFQmWvKHIjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=1006051317013

I am completely offended with this and also our conversation on e-mail.

I was born in cuba and was sent here by my parents at 15.

I had my family members killed like my father for voicing there opinions. My family lost everything (we didn't have much to begin with)

He thinks its basically stupid to complain about castro even though i lost much of my family because of him. He said i didn't fight enough!!!!

He doesn't seem to understand that if you say what you think you will be killed or put to work!!!

ive been so offended with his question and his conversation with me.

I don't understand how he can say all this when he hasn't lived what i went through.

Maybe I'm overreacting but I'm pretty sure others will agree with me.

Do you think my feeling about this are okay?

what do you think about his question?




  1. I agree with you.

    Just see the case of the boy Elian. The whole country, except the Cuban community wanted the boy returned to fidel's eager clutches

    I have seen that many people that see the situation only from outside are very quick in giving a judgment

    As they say, it is very easy to swim out of the water.

    Go to the section here of Travels, Caribbean, Cuba, and you will see what some people say. They look at Cuba only as a pretty little toy

    In Cuba , at the 1960s, there were people called the repatriated, who returned to Cuba , but when they faced the Cuban reality once again, they practically ran on water to return to the USA

    I want to specify, I am not a fan of the USA myself. Had they removed fidel from Cuba we would not have to be here

    To suspendm

    That is the question that we ask ourselves. For many years, fidel has done to the USA all the harm he could.

    Luckily for the USA, Gorbachev pulverized comunism. Otherwise, fidel would be knocking at the doors of the White House and telling bush to beat it, because he was taking charge of the USA

  2. Giving opinions and having personal experience are not the same thing.

    It is like suffering.It is not that bad as long as it does not happen to you..

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