
Disgusting, white build up in my mouth! What is it? It's weird. I know my mouth is clean! ?

by  |  earlier

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This c**p is so disgusting. WHAT IS IT!? It's this funky build up and when I try and wipe it off I get this long strand of it and it can be balled up and it's so nasty! What is it? Am I freak? How do I get rid of it? Does this mean my breath stinks? I chew a lot of minty gum and use mouth wash in the mornings.




  1. What you're describing sounds like a candida fungal infection. They can leave a layer of white in the mouth and if you try to wipe it off/scratch it off, it's a bit red underneath. I'm assuming that this seems to be an ongoing thing rather than just food-related.

    Another possibility is what's known as leukoplakia which is an alteration of the cells in your mouth so that it becomes white. This is more common in those who chew tobacco or smoke.

    There can be a lot of underlying causes for a candida infection to occur.. and leukoplakia isn't too great a thing.. and even if it's not either of's probably best to have it checked by your doctor.

  2. It might simply be your skin on your cheek on the inside, but the smell does tip me off to an infection. Go to your dentist and have it checked. Its better to know now. :)

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