
Disgusting S*** in gym.?

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There is a girl in my gymclass. she wears really see through, lacy thongs. She always moons people. Everyone tells her to put her pants on but she doesn't. It is getting really annoying, how can i get her to stop????




  1. Talk to the principal... He/she is the one with the authority.

  2. get a counselor,teacher,proctor,a someone in charge to go and talk to her about why she is wearing clothes like this.maybe she doesn't get attention at home so she does this at school to get attention.just try to be her friend

  3. Tell her in private, like the girls bathroom for her to stop and that shes making herself look bad. Also tell the teachers and the principal if it keeps going on and is disgusting you. She could even be punished by the law for sexual harassment and for showing herself naked to minors (even though she's one herself...)

  4. tell her to get new underwear and wear pants and that she is a s**t

  5. Be kind.  Talk to her in private and let her know that her behavior is giving her the wrong type of attention. It sound like she suffers from low self esteem and is looking for any type of attention she can get.

  6. the the principal that you find it lued and inappropriate. Mooning people is sexual harrassment .sue the school

  7. When she does it again, kick her in the ***........really hard!! LOL

  8. Take a picture and post it in the school library....

    Well, maybe not.

    How about just telling the teacher?

  9. ignore it

  10. The school should do something about it.  Take the case to the principal.

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