
Dishonorably discharged from navy and want to join the army?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend was dishonorably discharged from the navy after leaving in the middle of boot camp. So now, quite a few years later, he is 32 and wants to join the army. Is this possible?




  1. No. Generally speaking any dishonorable discharge and they can't take you. This is not to say he shouldn't talk to a recruiter, sometimes they know loop wholes. But across the board, the answer will be no.

  2. He was given a general discharge under less than honorable conditions. One can only get a dishonorable discharge by conviction of a general court martial. His reenlistment code is probably RE-4. If it is so, he cannot reenlist in the Navy or enlist in any other branch.  

  3. First of all, he was not dishonorably discharged for leaving (going UA) from boot camp.  To be dishonorably discharged required a General Court Martial and they do not do those for someone who takes off in boot camp (the worst case would be a Summary Court Martial which would only be a Bad Conduct Discharge and they still wouldn't do this for a boot camp UA situation).

    Most likely he was discharged at the convenience of the government with an RE-R4 code (means that the Navy would not take him back).  However, if it has been a significant amount of time with a steady work history with no real criminal/courts involvement then the Army would most likely waive that and take him anyway.  After all, the Army needs people more than any of the other services so they will pretty much waive anything.

  4. Well, it all depends on his discharge code. He should take this discharge papers to an army recruiter and let them make the decision.

    Good luck.

  5. nope.  he's permanently DQ'd from all branches.  

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