
Disibility Project.?

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what would be a interseting topic to do a disibility project on. i was thinking of doing it on acouple of old topics but i want something new and that will pop from everyone elses. i want mine to be enique and great! please if you have any ideas tell me. thanks so much!

p.s. NO dumb awnsers if you dont know dont awser!




  1. I have an idea...

    You could do it on a disability called "Sensory Processing Disorder"

    I have it, and according to new statistics, 1 in 20 kids has it! It is often misdiagnosed as ADD, or ADHD, because it is a relatively new disorder..

    Basically, this is what it feels like.. I basically have to think about thinking... here's an example:

    In preschool, when the teacher said, "Pick up your scissors and cut the paper", I would hear what she said, but I didn't know what it meant.  I would have to look around at the other kids and see what they were doing, and then I understood..

    I hope that helped! Good luck!

  2. I know that in a school district in California, a project demonstrated that, just by having a "grandparent" type person visit high-risk children once a week & spend time with them, like a half hour, the students' grades went way up.

    You could see whether that same principle will apply to students with Asperger's Syndrome.  If someone visits weekly, spending a half hour with them listening to them speak of their area(s) of interest, will the students feel better about school? Will they get better grades? Will it make any difference?

    That would be what I'd want to know!

  3. I would worry more about your spelling at this point!

  4. I think a good project would be this. From my own experience with my 12 year old son. We live in southern CA.   How can these teachers ,with a conscience no matter what grade ,teach their classes every day and not see the kids who are really struggling, have very low grades and just can't seem to catch on like the other kids do.  They can get all f's and be totally lost most of the year, not knowing much about any of the subjects, and the teachers will pass them to the next grade anyway.  It's really not that hard to notice these kids. They just can't learn the same way, and alot of these kids if caught in the early grades and if the schools had the kids tested for learnng disabilities, there would be so many more happy kids in school and the kids would actually want to go to school if they could finally learn. Their high school years would be alot better for them,too.   My son included, I held him back in 1st grade. He was so lost, I had tried everything with my son just like my other kids but he just couldn't grasp letters,numbers or much  of anything.  Yes, they would have passed he into 2nd gr. No your not I told them. I did lot's of research, and i had him tested for learning dis. He has adhd and specific learning dissability.  This is the topic I would do  if it was my project. Good Luck

  5. A Tourette Syndrome project can be a good one. It is very misunderstood and needs as much exposure as possible to let people know that the Hollywood version of Tourett Syndrom is comedic and not reflective of the entire disability.
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