
Dislexix,help pleases?

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I'm dislexix and am trying to make it better.It hasn't been all bad though.I have an I.Q. of over 126 and only 14 and the only way I can think of fixing it is making little rymes to remeber letters correctly.Also to try and remeber every word I know and how to correctly spell and use it.I may be smart but I got other more important things to remeber and i'm slightly lazy.I don't have a problem with it but it would help my english grade to make it a bit better,less spelling mistakes.Any suggestions?




  1. You need help thru the special ed dept of your school. Special ed is NOT just for mental retarded. It is help for any learning problems.

    With this type of problem, you can NOT 'fix' this on your own. You need help with a specialized program such as


    orton gillingham


    and others

  2. My son who is 15 was diagnosed as dyslexic about 5 years ago.  Here are 2 links to helpful websites for some hints.

    Also have your parents talk to your counselor at school and get a 504 plan set up (if you are in the US) It is a special education plan that allows for special needs. Don't worry about the "special education" label, after all, gifted students are also part of the special ed program :-)

    Some of the things that help that you can ask for

    Permission to type rather than write your papers, so you can use spell check.

    Use a voice recognition program like Dragon Naturally Speaking (with a quality microphone to cut down on frustration)

    The ability to present at least some of  your reports orally

    Also realize that many very bright people are dyslexic!
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