
Disliking evolution is reason to dismiss it???

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Some people assert "I did not evolve from a monkey!" because they are revolted by the idea. They never seem to comprehend that the genetic and fossil evidence points to a common ancestor of primates and hominids; it does not point to humans descending from existing species of apes or monkeys. If you dismiss evolution because you find it repugnant, is that rational? Or is it evidence of primitive intelligence persisting to the present?




  1. I am sure there are some even more unsavory ancestors that we haven't identified.  It is hard to think that your great great X million grandfather was a furry monkey-like thing.  Well on second thought, some of my cousins aren't that far off.

  2. yes it is and yes i am special.

  3. they just want to believe they are extra-special.

  4. Most religions do not dispute the Theory of Evolution, because their holy book is not considered literal, and hold to the "we really don't know what a 'day' was back then, and we aren't going to worry about it" interpretation.  Only some very conservative Christian denominations, that consider the bible to be a literal history, take issue with evolution.

    Most people who "don't believe in evolution" are not following the tenets of their own faith.

  5. No it is not rational and it is not healthy to ignore the obvious evidence.

  6. It’s not so much as primitive intelligence as it is which part of the brain is utilized in decision making for a particular individual in a particular circumstance.

    We have a brain with three basic divisions. The ancient portion is the Reptilian Brain. The more developed portion is the Limbic and the final most modern portion is the Neo Cortex.

    We, as modern humans still use all three parts of our brain, even in decision making. Researchers assign the “fight or flee” response to the reptilian portion and there is no convincing evidence that they are wrong. This is a very basic and ancient brain response and it apparently occurs without interference from the modern brain.

    This is an interesting area of research and is well worth the effort to explore it.

    Jim D

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