
Dismissal for gross misconduct?

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Hi. I was wondering if anybody has been dismissed for gross misconduct, and how they found work after. After having a career spanning 6 years for a top financial institution, and being promoted 4 times during this time, I was dismissed over something completely ridiculous. As I was with them for 6 years, I cannot remove it from my CV as its the only job I have had since leaving University. I have now been out of work for 6 months. I have posted my CV on lots of sites, and had much interest, but as soon as I mention my situation nobody wants to know. What do I do?




  1. With anything like gross misconduct, different employers have different policies.  The key is to put a positive spin on the situation and try not to draw attention to it.  Try going through the agencies to get back into work, so then you at least have the option of alternative references.

    If you are asked to provide a referee for the job you were dismissed from, give the HR department as the referee.  Most employers now forbid individual employees from giving references due to the legal minefield this occupies.  A HR reference will ostensibly be neutral and simply confirm you worked for the company.

    Failing that, consult an employment law specialist.

  2. It looks like this will follow you for a long while.  Get some money together and a bank loan and start up your own business.

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