
Disney Channel never existed?

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what would happen? would disney still be as messed up as it is today? what would happen if disney channel never existed?




  1. I would be glad because i hate disney channel, but my sister would be pissed because thats bassically all she watches.

    But a actual disaster would be if Cartoon Network, Toonami, or Adult Swim never existed.

    No, even worse than that, what if Anime never existed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OH ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, im getting pissed off just thinking abou that, if Anime or Manga never existed then it would be a national tragedy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  2. Hm, I don't know. I remember when I was a kid, The Disney Channel was a premium channel and you were the shiznital BANG if you had it.  When it was made a free channel it was a day in history (atleast within my friends, lol).

  3. There would be one less channel to watch.  

  4. It wouldn't make a difference. I mean how can you miss something that never existed. It's like missing flying pigs. It never happened so you won't know about it to miss you

  5. The world would come to a halt we would all die exept the dogs and a day later they wold die

  6. i don't know. too much questons.

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