
Disney Fans, why don't you make your very own answering website named: Disney! Answers??

by  |  earlier

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i don't spend all day thinking of questions. they just click in my head.

i don't think about Y!A all day either.




  1. i would but im doing an ANTI-MILEY website...i got over 109 members!

  2. when are you going to be tired of asking all of these stupid questions that probably took you all day to come up with?

  3. HAHAHAHA I agree with head over heels in the moment's answer! All you guys do is answer questions about jb with anti-jonas answers, and ask questions about jb (anti-jonas questions)

  4. can you say PATHETIC!!!

    mabey this will help:;...

  5. Great idea but that's what Y!A can do, so not much point to make another site. :)

  6. There should be a tween/teen pop stuff category

  7. lol or better yet

    jonas answers.

  8. because most pre-teens don't know anything about web-design or programming

  9. Because their fans are 12 years old or younger. They aren't smart enough to make their own website

  10. lol get over it its just yahoo answers lol i mean is this your life or something? your the one asking these stupid questions that dont need to be asked just like all the ones you hate

  11. Because it seems pointless, and besides the only thing people are going to ask is The Jonas Brothers.. I don't hate them, but it's getting really annoying how most questions here are "JB this, JB that.." -.-

  12. Because we have no skills in computer programming :)  

  13. cause then u would be out of questions....and yahoo would be out of business...we wouldnt want that to happen now would we????

  14. there too stupid to make a website, i dont like the jonas brothers and guess what i can program a website!

    ok those 2 things have nothing to do with eachother but  anyway i can't see  a 13 year old girl program a website, im a 14 year old guy though and i can do it so maybe it is possible.

  15. hey all you people that keep saying they are all p*****n fans, you are SO wrong!! there are tons of teens and even some adult fans too, so shut up!

  16. lol because i don't know how to make a website like this.

  17. well, if they did that then what would all you anti-jonas, miley, disney or whatever people do all day?

  18. LMFAO at that douche guy over there! He's all like "it's not just tweens, it's teens and adults so shut up!" I agree with you because Y!A

    is flooded with jonas questions.

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