
Disney Question......?

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I know Disney World offers the free dining plan for a time in August and September, but I had heard a rumor that if you have the Chase Disney Rewards Card, it is offered again in the late winter/early spring. Does any one know about this and know where I can get more information about this?




  1. you may be confused.

    since they started the free dining in august and september in 2006 it has been announced in april and is only for august and september.

    they don't have it in spring time.

    so perhaps you've heard that they announce it in the spring.

    i have the disney visa card and i get up dates all the time and i've never heard of free dining in the spring but i do get info about free dining that comes in the mail in the spring.

    so if you have the disney rewards card if there is any promotion going on for free dining in the spring you can expect to get info about it around dec-jan of 2009.

    but like i said i've had disney rewards card for a few years and i've neve heard about a free dining plan promotioin occuring in spring time.  

  2. You most likely can find out about information about that at

  3. go on google and look it up....

  4. .........i guess

  5. The promotion is only in the fall.  Chase Disney Visa card holders get the first chance to book before the promotion is opened up to the general public.  The promotion is announced in the late spring, so this may be what you heard about.

  6. I have a Chase card, and unfortunately the only time I have ever seen it is for travel in August and September.  I don't know what you consider early spring, but I doubt they would offer free dining anytime after Feb because it is getting to be spring break time and also Easter, depending on when that falls.  I wish they did offer it then, but I don't recall ever seeing that, and I've had a Chase card for 4 years.

    BTW  make sure you check your statement well, I have had problems with charges not adding up to what my balance due amount is.  Just letting you know to keep an eye on it.  I called Chase and the girl added it, and added it and added it again (blaming her calculator in between) before she said "you're right, it isn't adding up right, I will go in and make the correction."  Thank you, but I know how to add, especially when I use a adding machine.  :)   Just letting you know to keep an eye on yours.

  7. Contact the Disney Rewards office and they can let you know all questions about it, and about any reward cards from any bank.

    Here's the information to contact them:

  8. Traditionally, for US residents, the free dining plan is offered in the fall.  Chase card holders get the info and option to book about 1 week before the general public.

    International visitors are offered Free Dining packages for the Spring, as I understand it, this may be what you are hearing about.  
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